Entrepreneurship or Find a New Job?

Jon Lee had lots of early success.  Then, he listened to the crowd and did what everyone says to do for content.  He was consistent, did all the posts, all the videos and most of this isn’t generating new business.

If you spend enough time on social media, you might even feel depressed watching everyone be “successful,” lots of unsolicited advice, and all the while where they are telling you you’re killing it, they won’t hire you.

Should Jon continue? Maybe.  But before he does, I suggest some inbound tactics on LinkedIn and the importance of a global audience seeing his great work and also not give as much away for people to steal.

Jon’s at the point of thinking of giving up entrepreneurship and getting a job.  We talk about LinkedIn and the relationship economy.

If you were Jon, what would you do?

Check him out at http://thecontentmarketingking.com

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