Be Like Amazon: the Story of Bryan Eisenberg

Bryan Eisenberg is an incredible marketer with significant achievements in his career.  Imagine creating things like Conversion Rate Optimization and Bounce Rate? Being a 2 Time NYT Best Selling Author? Amazing!

In this episode We dive into Bryan’s latest book, Be Like Amazon.

Let’s face it – Amazon out-executes everybody.

We dive in to 4 pillars of how today’s business operates: price, selection, convenience, and customer experience.

Your brand isn’t what you say it is anymore, but rather what other people say about you – and how you act.

Part of Amazon’s magic is the 6 page memos – from the customer point of view – as Bryan likes to call them: buyer legends.

We examine if any anyone can compete with Amazon and take a look at Microsoft.

Can anyone be like Amazon? Yes! even a lemonade stand can do it 🙂

Find Bryan on LinkedIn  Instagram  Twitter  and at Buyer Legends

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